“What shadow are you leaving?” I question myself often during this journey of parenting. Being a mother has been the most rewarding experience, and the most challenging one. Because of my past, death is a tangible reality and a constant reminder of the fragile present.
Like you, I strive to be the best I can be, with my children and, to them. Despite of it, the worst of me also comes out sometimes, in the least favorable moments - questioning my parenthood abilities.
These paintings are a deep look into my soul. The abstract paintings are the ones that explain best what parenthood is. Everyday you see it differently. Sometimes is joyful and other days is not so much.
My father wisely told me when my first baby was born, “se te acabo la tranquilidad para toda la vida” (Tranquility is over for the rest of your life.) They were harsh words but full of truth. Thankfully he added, “You can do it…with lots of patience and lots of love.”
Love is definitely there, the patience part… I work on it everyday!
Most of the pieces in this series are painted with the impasto technique, to express the heavy strokes in life and the overwhelming feelings. The strong colors reflect the intense emotions of being a parent. It’s a beautiful stage; nevertheless, a very complex one.
Each painting has its own story and it was painted in a particular way rather than trying to make every painting in the show flow together. There are some peaceful paintings, some full of joy, some passionate, some distressed, and some desperate. Pretty much how life is and how parenthood feels.
I use the word shadow instead of foot print or legacy because of its double connotation. Shadow might seem negative, scary, yet the stronger the light, the stronger the shadow.